Plunder Planes

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    • Tutorial angespilet:

      Spoiler anzeigen

      FATAL ERROR in
      action number 1
      of Step Event0
      for object obj_player:

      VMError!! Occurred - Push :: Execution Error - Variable Get gear
      at gml_Object_obj_player_Step_0 (line -1) - <unknown source line>
      Local Variables :
      i = 3
      Self Variables :
      homedir = 270
      factorywidth = 64
      myplane = -1
      factoryheight = 64
      progress = { { 0 ,0 ,0 ,0}, }
      liveses = 5
      respawn = 15
      maxprogress = { { 0 ,0 ,0 ,0}, }
      hudheight = 64
      respawny = 252
      respawnx = 192
      color = 255
      shoot = 38
      left = 37
      right = 39
      faclevels = 0
      build = 40
      gearswitch = 17
      respawndir = 0
      factoyheight = 64
      planesprite = 22
      tempi = 0
      bombarmor = { { 0 ,10 ,25 ,40}, }
      builds = 1
      dollarfoundmax = 15
      myid = 0
      dollarfound = 0
      buildsprev = 1
      dollarfoundx = 32
      gametime = 2892
      dollarfoundy = 304
      facmax = { { 0 ,3 ,2}, }
      hqx = 4
      hqy = 3
      hudsprite = 26
      hudsprite_empty = 28
      hudwidth = 256
      hudx = 0
      hudy = 704
      hudid = 0
      recwidth = 5.120000
      griddrawer = 0
      team = 2
      mytext = { { 0 ,"Welcome to Plunder Planes!#Fly around first. Turn counter-clockwise with Left and clockwise with Right." ,"Press Up to shoot. You can hold it for autofire or wait to time your shots.#Destroy the small house on the right." ,"Now plunder the house. Pick up the coin to get your first dollar." ,"You may also adjust your flying speed.#Press Control or the keys right above your directional keys.#Your speed level is displayed like this in your infobox: [2]. Cycle to speed [1], slow." ,"Use your hard earned money.#Hold Down to see where you could build your factory. Release Down to build." ,"As you can see in your infobox, you now have one symbol for a primary weapon, which fills up quickly.#When it's filled up, press Up to shoot with your new weapon.#Every completion is shown by a white glow in the factory windows." ,"Congratulations! You just used your first upgrade.#Here are 3 dollars, build three more factories#and get all primary weapons." ,"Try the tilted cannon, boomerang and armor-piercing rocket!#Now reclaim a dollar or two by flying into old factories." ,"Now, upgrade a primary factory.#To do so, 'build another factory' on a primary factory to get a bomb factory." ,"Here are some dollars for finishing the tutorial! But there is more.#Build more bomb factories for better bombs.#Try upgrading a bomb factory to get a versatile wingman.#Press F1 in the menu for more details and all controls.#Just experiment a bit and quit on ESCAPE when you're finished."}, }
      tutlevel = 4
      tuthouse = 100269
      hadfullspeed = 0
      faveplane = 15
      Global Variables :
      maps = 0
      mainfont = 0
      mpgridsize = 64
      bgm = 11
      mapgrid = 0
      buildgrid = 1
      temptwo = 0
      tempthree = 0
      temp = 0
      enemymp = 0
      fwidth = 64
      fheight = 64
      drawqueue = 0
      drawgridsize = 64
      spawnlist = -1
      temp2 = 1
      highestplayerid = 1
      players = 1

    • meav33: Kann ich so nicht reproduzieren - ist dir das im Spiel im Tutorial passiert? Was hast du davor gemacht? Passiert dir das bei jedem Start?

      Komponist: Danke nochmal! :) Potential ist auf jeden Fall noch da - alleine was Einzelspieler, Onlinemultiplayer und größere Karten angeht... Aber am wichtigsten war es mir fertig zu werden. Ich hatte (und hab) nicht mehr so recht Lust auf den GM und will was in Java machen, aber ich wollte auch nicht ein Jahr Arbeit verwerfen.
      Was mir bei dir im Vergleich zu Lizard771 auffällt, ist das ihn der Grafikstil nicht wirklich überzeugt, während du begeistert bist :P Interessant.